Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Um I love Food

It’s sad to see our seniors leave but right now, I’m trying to look at the positives of the departure. Minus the fact that we juniors now own the school, kind of, I’m looking forward to all the wonderful food that we get to take part in eating. Last weekend I only went to about 8 graduation parties on Saturday, but let me tell you, I got stoked. The varieties of food were incredible.
The first party I went to was at around 1 o’clock in the afternoon. They served cake, which seemed to be a popular dessert at all the grad parties. And for the main course, was Jimmy Johns, which is a delicious sub sandwich restaurant. And if people weren’t feeling the cake, Fruitzen was also offered, which is like shaved ice and flavored ice syrup on top. Fruitzen has seemed to be a popular choice in foods, because the 5th grad party that I went to also had it, but at this one they only had 5 flavors, where as at the first party, you had a choice between ten.
The second party that we went to had a chocolate fountain, which was also a popular thing that we saw at other parties. With the fountain, you had a choice to dip fruit, such as strawberries, grapes, pineapple and apples. They also set out different cookies you could dip, as well as breads and other crunchy things. I also enjoyed the custom made M&Ms. On each one they had things like the graduate’s name, and the graduation class year. I thought it was very creative.
The third party had delicious chocolate covered strawberries, which were completely addicting, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to have those at my party next year. They also had those home made mints which I also enjoyed.
The fourth party had a taco bar, which I use to not be a Mexican eater, but now I am. So the taco bar was awesome. They also had a station to make root beer floats and hot fudge sundaes.
The rest of the parties had pretty traditional food, but I was so happy that it was all so good. I eat for pleasure, and lets just say that day was very pleasurableJ


Recently, I have found myself mourning for the comfort of my carL, because unfortunately, it has been taken to car heaven (aka the junk yard). Now, as a teenage girl whose junior year is almost done, leading into the summer before senior year, a car seems essential, and right now, I’m not really sure if buying a new one is top of the list for my mother. She expects me to get a job, but really how am I supposed to get a job if I don’t have a car? My brother will be working all summer, as well as my mom, and my dad. The only option would to take my dad’s old suburban and drive that, which has been stored at his cabin for like two years now? And it’s not a cool suburban; it’s an old, rusty, beat down green beast that’s just about as useless as male nipples. But of course, since I insisted a need a car, it’s now a possibility of being my new ride for the summer.
So what exactly happened to my car? We first discovered something was terribly wrong when I was driving home from soccer practice a couple weeks ago. I was going about 60 or 70 on the road home, and I slowed up as I approached a stop sign. It was nice out so I had my windows down. Soon enough, a truck with a guy in his mid thirty’s pulled up and rolled his window down. He was decent looking so I turned to see what he needed. He replied to me with, “Hey! Excuse me! You’re cars smokin’”
Of course being the idiot that I am, I thought he was talking about me and my car looking hot, or well “smokin”. So I said “Um...Thanks?” with a sort of cheesy smile. But then he confirmed that he was talking about the hood of my car, and that it actually had smoke coming out of it. I then majorly panicked and pulled off at the nearest street, which I then realized, was pointless because I left my phone at home. So I had to just drive my smoking hood car all the way back to my house.
When I got home, I explained to my mom that the smoke had just started and she opened the hood to take a look at what was wrong. Well long story longer, some cap busted and my water pump broke. So my engine was over heated, and basically I could’ve blown up my car.
Which brings me to where I am now, carless, and oh so lonely without one. I guess I’m fortunate enough to even of had a car, and I really don’t mean to complain. But at least the story was entertaining right.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Did You Know??

1-8 couples that are married in the last year in the U.S. met online
This number was less shocking to me when it appeared. Online dating has been the new thing these past years, and from the sounds of it, the results have been pleasing to many. My uncle actually decided to try online dating after a brutal divorce, and he did find someone to spend his time with. She was pretty cool in my eyes, but that was only because her second house was neighboring to Dennis Quaid's summer house. She was real big in the music industry, so she had money I guess. But it didn't really fall through, since my uncle was just kind of looking for a good time, and I don't mean that in a bad way, and she was lookin for someone to settle down with and spend the rest of her life with. Anyways, 1-8 marriages still seems to be a large population of online dating users.

China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world
I really don't know where to begin with the irony in this fact. I always knew that English was well known to be used around the world, but I would've never guessed for China to be the number one speaking country in the world

It took this many years for each technology to reach 50 million people
Internet- 4 years
Ipod- 3 years
Facebook- 2 years

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We final exams?

The one thing I dread about the end of the school year is that last final test that either makes you or breaks you. I always try to look at the positives of final exams. Usually they lead to breaks of school. This up coming break happens to be a pretty big, because it marks the end of the school year. Ah summer. But before I get there I have to take some pretty big finals, two being which I can use for college credit…if I pass. And I’m not really sure if you could say I’m prepared. Probably not the best thing to be saying when the exams are in a week.

With that, I think that a lot of pressure is put on kids to do exceedingly well on tests. And to know that if you totally bomb it, can really bring you down, whether it’s your grade, or your college credit. These factors just made it harder to concentrate on doing well. I’m not trying to think of excuses for doing bad, I’m just simply saying these are some reason that could cause stress for kids.
Oh but there's nothing better then that feeling of finishing a test. I hate when you first get it, and you flip through the questions. But then I try to remember that everything has an end to it, the good and the bad. So I just try to get through it, and then think of how good it's gonna feel when it's done. But at the same time, I know that I can't just rush through it. Uh, just thinking about test taking gives me anxiety.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

We love Plastic Surgery

It's hard to please the average American these days. Whether it's with wealth, or fame, and definitely with looks. Everyday, people will go to the extremes to look their best, and of course to impress other beautiful people. But how far will people go for that perfection and symmetry that we all look for in a person. Obviously, people with the time and money, will go all the way.

Plastic surgery has been the new age fixer upper that people turn to when they're physical appearance just isn't meeting their needs. Whether it's a breast implant, facial surgery, nose job, you name it, they'll fix it. And not for a cheap price either. A face lift alone is around $6,000. Any thing else could be in the range of 300-7000 dollars. And people do it all the time. Women will spend thousands of dollars on Botox injections ($385), or collagen injections ($333). With each one only lasting about four months, that gets costly. Of course, for people who can through money like that away will do so. And all for the same reason of appealing the eye of others.

What people don't think about, are the consequences of looking beautiful...because sometimes, the results aren' beautiful...I was looking on the Internet, at pictures of plastic surgery procedures gone wrong, like really disgusting messed up wrong. And with a lot of the pictures I came across, most of the before pictures actually looked better. Most of the pictures in those cases though, were ones that had to do with fixing the face. Some of the body ones turned out good, but really, its nothing a good healthy diet and exercise plan can't fix. So that kind of leads me back to how lazy people are. Instead of walking 2 miles a day, women just go get a tummy tuck. Less work, but a lot more money.

I guess the last thing to ask is, is it really worth it? I understand that it's important to have a good self-esteem about yourself, and that people will strive for that confidence. But personally, I think that that confidence would be worth more if people knew that they didn't cheat their way out of working hard for looking good.

Monday, April 27, 2009

We love brand names

Why is it that people would be thousands more for something as little as a brand name. I see it all the time, girls will walk in and buy little Juicy and Couture accessories for like what, $100? or walk into certain clothing stores and buy a $75 tank top that doesn't cover half their stomach. Why would they do that? I'll tell you, it's all for the logo. Because logos represent something, money. It's all about money, and wealth, and presentation. If I were to wear a shirt from Walmart, with a logo clearly represented Walmart, people will look at it and think, hmm unexspensive, not cool. But if the same shirt were worn and had the logo of like Locoste, people would automatically think that shirt is cool. I think it's riduculous. To spend so much money for products that have the same qualities of generic. Riduculous.

I see this type of competition with people at my school all the time. Mostly girls, trying to out dress other girls, trying to get the perfect, preppy image. It makes me sick to my stomach, as I watch them fight for something pointless. And it's not just women in my school. But all schools, and cities all over the nation. New York City is a city that jumps at to me as a city where it's all about big brand names. Designer clothes, big brand names. Like the show The Real Housewives of New York, or even just any of those Real Housewives shows are all about money. I'm just kind of tired of it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We love college

A sense of uncertainty is constantly crossing my mind as my senior year is approaching. I have plenty of friends who already know what there going to be doing for the rest of there life. I, on the other hand, I'm still trying to get through high school. I have no clue what college I want to go to, or what I'm going to major in, let alone how I want to live and who I'll be for the rest of my life. Thankfully, I know that I'm not the only person in this position. I know lots of kids who have a plan, but the majority are students just like me, a little bit clueless and undecided. I always told myself that I would have a plan. And actually, I did. I believe it was when I was in first grade, when I decided that I would make a living by moving to Hollywood and be a singer/movie star. I still wouldn't mind going through with that plan, but really, I think I'm too good for Hollywood. They couldn't handle my goodness. So back to square one, what am I going to do with my life?

I know one thing is for sure. I'm going to college. Not just for the crazy partying, and for the idea of for once in my life I'll be a single independent person making my own decisions. No, not for those reasons...Okay well maybe that has a tiny bit to do with it, or even a great deal. But I'm still also looking forward to college because I know that I'll finally be exposed to learning about something that will get me somewhere in life. Kindergarten through senior year is all preparation for getting released into the real world. Once your in college, your basically there. It's when students start to be treated as adults. In my eyes, that's pretty exciting...scary, but exciting. And I hear great things about going to college. People are always talking about the college days, and how they were by far the best in their time, and how people don't want it to end, they just want to stay in college forever! Seems extreme, but I guess it's just that good. Every kid that is fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to college is guarenteed at least one moment in their whole college career, that when they look back on, will put a smile on their face. Of course college will always bring upon some real pain in the ass moments as well. I can't say I know from experience, but I know every goes through them.